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Nur fliegen kann er nicht
Im Warenkorb

Harald Naegeli.

The Only Thing He Can’t Do Is Fly: The Biography
Published by Diogenes as Nur fliegen kann er nicht
Original Title: Nur fliegen kann er nicht

Harald Naegeli, an individual filled with poetry, an artist filled with love for nature, and an advocate for utopia and the museum on the street. This unique biography tells of the life and work of the introverted artist, who completed his ›Urwolken (Primeval Clouds)‹ in large format over the years with single strokes, as well as the extroverted sprayer and political Dadaist who can adorn building walls within seconds — just don’t mention the term ›criminal damage‹.

»Often described as prime father of street art, he sees himself as a direct successor of painting cavemen.«
Urs Bühler/ NZZ, Zurich

208 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes

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