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Hinter den Mauern der Ozean
Im Warenkorb

Beyond the Walls, an Ocean

Published by Diogenes as Hinter den Mauern der Ozean
Original Title: Hinter den Mauern der Ozean

A groundbreaking novel about the future of humankind.

Following the apocalypse, the world has sunk underwater. Berlin has been saved; the heart of the city secured inside a wall that’s above head height. Only five people live in it, five Eternals, who each summer show visiting outsiders the old world. If one of the two women and three men gets sick or ages, they disappear and a two- year-old child with the same name and appearance comes into the city. Until, that is, one of the Eternals wants to resist this cycle.

About the courage to take a stand and the nature of our human community.