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Der Drahtzieher
Im Warenkorb

The Patriarch

Published by Diogenes as Der Drahtzieher
Original Title: Der Drahtzieher

A song of praise and farewell to the incomparable Twenties.

Theodor Hugo Hasselt has attitude, and is prone to fits of rage and financial issues. He is entrusted with reviving the abandoned German-British railway project ›From the Cape to Cairo‹ in South Africa, where he falls helplessly in love with his African cousin Alba. But her heart belongs to his best friend Albert, who in turn is engaged to Marthe, Theodor's childhood sweetheart and long-term lover. 

Spectacular characters entangled in an amour fou, set between the Sauerland and South Africa. Passion, power and intrigue. An epic poem about the iridescent life of the Roaring Twenties and the downfall of an entire world. And an impressive debut: opulent, shimmering, outrageous.

General Fiction
320 pages
