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Die Reisgöttin
Im Warenkorb

The Rice Goddess

Published by Diogenes as Die Reisgöttin
Original Title: Die Reisgöttin

Doris Dörrie can never resist bringing back mementoes from her travels: an origami snail from Japan; a wrestling mask from Mexico; a rice goddess figurine from Bali, boxing boots from New York; or Borotalco, a miracle stain-erasing product from Italy. Useful things, knick-knacks, exotic foodstuffs, magic props and kitschy dust gatherers. Through her encounters with these items, Doris Dörrie talks in her uniquely intimate way about life, writing and travel.

General Fiction
112 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes

»With great reverence yet complete conviction, she describes why it had to be this or that, and why she won’t let anyone convince otherwise.«

Christine Westermann / WDR 5, Cologne