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Dramatische Werke
Im Warenkorb

Dramatic Works

The TV sketches, expanded edition.
Published by Diogenes as Dramatische Werke
Original Title: Dramatische Werke
Loriot’s legendary television sketches in an opulent four-colour printing luxury volume. Loriot’s sketches wrote television history. Millions of Germans know entire dialogues by heart, quotes such as »my duck will not share the bathwater with you« have become common parlance. When Loriot gave his collected sketches the title Dramatic Works, he had no idea that he really would become one of the most-performed German dramatists of his time. Now this essential volume is finally available in an expanded edition with a modern layout and colour stills from the television sketches and animated films.

Art, cartoon, photography, Humour
18 × 25 cm
360 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes