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Keine zehn Pferde
Im Warenkorb


Published by Diogenes as Keine zehn Pferde
Original Title: Keine zehn Pferde
There is just as much room in Otto Jagersberg’s poems for bitter regret over a vanished bicycle as there is for praise for mashed potatoes, the insight that football helps or a warning about what happens when you kiss the wrong women. A poetic cosmos full of substance, woe and wit.

General Fiction
208 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes

»Poems about everyday life and aging – masterful, ironic, relaxed. Every poem a bullet to the heart.«
Elke Heidenreich / Stern, Hamburg
»Jovial poems by an alert master of irony.«
Jochen Kelter / Neue Zürcher Zeitung
»Otto Jägersberg is capable of proving that even poetry, the subtlest and most finely nerved of the three classic literary forms, can make you laugh.«
Jochen Keller / Stuttgarter Zeitung
»The poet Jägersberg is an insider’s tip.«
Gunhild Kübler / Neue Zürcher Zeitung
»Otto Jägersberg’s poems are connected by stylishly light depictions of moods with thoughtful depth, witty observations with profound melancholy, everyday phrases with poetic brilliance.«
Ronald Schneider / Rheinische Post, Düsseldorf
»Poems about everyday life and aging – masterful, ironic, relaxed. Every poem a bullet to the heart.«
Elke Heidenreich / Stern, Hamburg
»Jovial poems by an alert master of irony.«
Jochen Kelter / Neue Zürcher Zeitung
»Otto Jägersberg is capable of proving that even poetry, the subtlest and most finely nerved of the three classic literary forms, can make you laugh.«
Jochen Keller / Stuttgarter Zeitung
»The poet Jägersberg is an insider’s tip.«
Gunhild Kübler / Neue Zürcher Zeitung
»Otto Jägersberg’s poems are connected by stylishly light depictions of moods with thoughtful depth, witty observations with profound melancholy, everyday phrases with poetic brilliance.«
Ronald Schneider / Rheinische Post, Düsseldorf
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