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Im Warenkorb

Herdsmen’s Doll

and Other Early Texts.
Published by Diogenes as Sennentuntschi
Original Title: Sennentuntschi

Three herdsmen spend the summer on a lonely alp in the mountains. Bored, they make a female doll that suddenly comes to life and begins to speak. The three men have their way with her, but she becomes more and more frightening.

Hansjörg Schneider's dramatization of the spine-chilling Alpine legend prompted a scandal in the seventies - and a lawsuit for pornography. To this day, it has lost none of its explosive power.

With an afterword by Ulrich Weber on the story of the controversial play Sennentuntschi.

General Fiction
224 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes

»An elementary, archaic drama, unequalled among contemporary German-language work.« 

Charles Linsmayer /