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Im Warenkorb

Published by Diogenes as Blösch
Original Title: Blösch
A book with lasting impact. On publication in1982, Beat Sterchi caused a sensation with his novel Blösch. Now, this »mind-blowing, great book« (Basler Zeitung) is available once more. Blösch is the story of the life of a Spaniard who comes to work on a farm as a labourer, of his peaceful life with the cows – one of them named Blösch – and the not so peaceful villagers. Beat Sterchi received the ›ZDF Aspekte Literature Prize‹ for this novel. »This is the story of a foreign worker in the Switzerland of the 1960s – and also the story of a cow. And both stories belong together, for they are both the story of the used, over-used and abused creature, be it human or animal. This book sets new standards for literature and criticism.« Der Spiegel, Hamburg

General Fiction
448 pages (print edition)


World rights are handled by Diogenes


»An important [. . .] stir-causing novel with a gentle, lyrical flavour.«

London Review of Books

»A savage, demonic work, but also a gentle, magically lyrical one.«

Die Zeit, Hamburg

»The irruption of Sterchi's Cow on our tame and anemic literary scene recalls nothing so much as the appearance of The Tin Drum«

Der Spiegel, Hamburg

»Beat Sterchi is a kind of prose Ted Hughes: the archaic and archetypal joys of the udder were never more joyfully or lengthily celebrated [. . .] Beat Sterchi's astonishing fiction never relents [. . .] Cow is a memorable and great fiction: hurt, and hurting, with the power for (one hopes) positive hurt.«

The Observer, London

»A masterpiece of German language literature.«

Deutschlandradio Kultur, Berlin

»Cow is extraordinary [. . .] it conveys a owerful tragi-comic sense of the reek and frenzy of the yard-workers world. The book is a kind of ›de profundis‹ of the cattle-sheds, a milker's epic.«

Seamus Heany / (Irish author)

»Cow is firm-fleshed, straight-backed, warm, impressive, like the large Swiss cattle it describes [. . .] an original, powerful, important novel, with a great ancient theme that is so modern and immediate as well.«

Sunday Telegraph

»The dignity of humans and animals is the focus of this debut by the Swiss writer, which was published ahead of its time in 1983.«

Pierre Deshusses / Le Monde, Paris

»An important [. . .] stir-causing novel with a gentle, lyrical flavour.«

London Review of Books

»A savage, demonic work, but also a gentle, magically lyrical one.«

Die Zeit, Hamburg

»The irruption of Sterchi's Cow on our tame and anemic literary scene recalls nothing so much as the appearance of The Tin Drum«

Der Spiegel, Hamburg

»Beat Sterchi is a kind of prose Ted Hughes: the archaic and archetypal joys of the udder were never more joyfully or lengthily celebrated [. . .] Beat Sterchi's astonishing fiction never relents [. . .] Cow is a memorable and great fiction: hurt, and hurting, with the power for (one hopes) positive hurt.«

The Observer, London

»A masterpiece of German language literature.«

Deutschlandradio Kultur, Berlin

»Cow is extraordinary [. . .] it conveys a owerful tragi-comic sense of the reek and frenzy of the yard-workers world. The book is a kind of ›de profundis‹ of the cattle-sheds, a milker's epic.«

Seamus Heany / (Irish author)

»Cow is firm-fleshed, straight-backed, warm, impressive, like the large Swiss cattle it describes [. . .] an original, powerful, important novel, with a great ancient theme that is so modern and immediate as well.«

Sunday Telegraph

»The dignity of humans and animals is the focus of this debut by the Swiss writer, which was published ahead of its time in 1983.«

Pierre Deshusses / Le Monde, Paris
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