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Aufstand der Frauen
Im Warenkorb

The Revolt of the Caryatids

A Case for Costas Haritos
Published by Diogenes as Aufstand der Frauen
Original Title: I Exejersi ton Kariatidon

This case puts Costas Haritos to a difficult test. Recently promoted to Athens’ head of police, for the first time he isn’t investigating alone. Instead, the homicide department’s new leader, Antigone Ferlekis, is responsible for the case of the dead archaeologist. A case with great explosive potential, because behind it lurks a group of American investors who want to bring a lot of money to Attica. And money is always a good motive for murder.

Crime fiction, General Fiction
320 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes
(except Greek rights)

Film rights are sold