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Ein Geräusch, wie wenn einer versucht, kein Geräusch zu machen
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A Sound like Someone Trying Not to Make a Sound

Published by Diogenes as Ein Geräusch, wie wenn einer versucht, kein Geräusch zu machen
Original Title: A Sound like Someone Trying Not to Make a Sound
A children's book by John Irving? Indeed, nothing could be more natural – as no other author has handled the themes of childhood, adolescence and the coming of age as well as Irving. Sometimes children's stories are hidden within stories for adults – one has only to discover them. ›A Sound Like Someone Trying Not to Make a Sound‹ is the adventure of a brave young boy who has a bad dream, and sets out with his father in the middle of the night to find the source of a ghostlike sound – and chase it away.

Children's books
27.5 × 25.2 cm
40 pages
ab 4 Jahren


World rights are handled by Diogenes
(except text rights)