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Scheidung auf Türkisch
Im Warenkorb

Divorce in Turkish

A Case for Kati Hirschel
Published by Diogenes as Scheidung auf Türkisch
Original Title: Süpheli Bir Ölüm
Kati Hirschel interferes for the third time. What she interferes with is, of course, none of her business whatsoever. Kebab is no longer hip, as Kati has discovered the advantages of a healthy diet. She hopes that this will help her avoid botox injections and other artificial beautification procedures. She has recently taken to having lunch, together with her fellow employee and friend Fofo, in a small eatery near her bookstore specialising in crime fiction. Every day, a beautiful woman sits alone in front of her salad, diagonally opposite her. When the news is all over the press that the daughter-in-law of an industrialist, Cem Ankarahgil, has died, Kati immediately recognises the stranger from the restaurant in the photo. This arouses her curiosity. Although the police believe it was an accident, Kati suspects something more sinister has happened.

Crime fiction, General Fiction
336 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes
(except Turkish)

»The twist-filled plot careens through Istanbul as unpredictably as the traffic.«
Publishers Weekly, New York