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Hans Werner Kettenbach
Der Feigenblattpflücker
Im Warenkorb

Der Feigenblattpflücker

Published by Diogenes as Der Feigenblattpflücker
Original Title: Der Feigenblattpflücker
Such shockingly realistic words can only flow from the pen of someone who knows what he is talking about: Hans Werner Kettenbach, for many years the political editor of a large Cologne daily, takes aim at provincial German politics. Faber is a freelance feature journalist. Yet secretly he yearns to make political headlines. He also works as an editor for a small publisher. One day, he gets his hands on a manuscript that looks al lot like a ›roman à clef‹: Someone, a political insider, has much to tell about scandals in highest government circles. Faber starts researching the matter, tentatively at first, becoming more audacious with increasing self-confidence. Prominent politicians, of course, don't remain passive for long...

General Fiction
288 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes