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Heimliche Herrscher
Im Warenkorb

Secret Rulers

A Case for Sebastian Fink
Published by Diogenes as Heimliche Herrscher
Original Title: Heimliche Herrscher

Sebastian Fink has a brand new case and a brand new love, a DJ named Marissa.

Sebastian is planning a trip to Italy with DJ Marissa, his new girlfriend. But sun, sea and sand will have to wait, because a series of murders is terrifying the people of Hamburg. The victims have nothing in common – except for their marked interest in refugees.

After numerous false leads, Sebastian Fink finally arrives at a place of horror that no one talks about although everybody knows it.

A highly contemporary novel about prostitution and traffic in women.

Crime fiction, General Fiction
352 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes

Film rights are handled by Diogenes

»Friedrich Dönhoff’s narration is appealing, and the book irresistibly pulls you in.«

Susanne Zobl / News, Vienna