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Heimliche Versuchung
Im Warenkorb

The Temptation of Forgiveness

Commissario Brunetti's 27th Case
Published by Diogenes as Heimliche Versuchung
Original Title: The Temptation of Forgiveness

In the 27th novel in Donna Leon’s bestselling mystery series, a suspicious accident leads Commissario Guido Brunetti to uncover a longstanding scam with disturbing unintended consequences.

When a friend of Brunetti’s wife’s, fearful that her son is using drugs and hopeful that he can somehow intervene, comes to the Questura, Brunetti tries to calm her down. But when the woman’s husband, Tullio Gasparini, is found unconscious and with a serious brain injury at the foot of a bridge after midnights, Brunetti is drawn to pursue a possible connection to the boy’s behaviour. Yet the truth is never straightforward.

Exasperated by the petty bureaucracy, Brunetti is steadied by the embrace of his own family and by his passion for the classics. This predilection leads him to read Sophocles’ Antigone, and, in its light, consider the terrible consequences to which the actions of a tender heart can lead.

Crime fiction, General Fiction
336 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes


»Another powerful exploration of the injustice of justice from a master of character-rich crime fiction.«

Bill Ott /

»The Venetian settings are enchanting and Commissario Guido Brunetti’s investigative methods are drolly amusing. But it’s the living, bleeding humanity of the characters that makes Donna Leon’s police procedurals so engaging.«

Marilyn Stasio / The New York Times

»[...] thought-provoking [...] Amid the procedural aspects of the case, vivid descriptions of Venice, and interludes with Brunetti’s pesky superior, Leon offers intelligent reflections on the fallout that can harm both innocent and guilty in the quest for justice.«

Publishers Weekly, New York

»But as always with Leon’s detective novels about Commissario Brunetti, this is not about thrill, but about the many details, thanks to which Brunetti and Co. have become our surrogate family […].«

Denis Scheck / Tagesspiegel, Berlin

»No summer without Donna Leon!«

Andrea Braunsteiner / woman, Vienna

»Another powerful exploration of the injustice of justice from a master of character-rich crime fiction.«

Bill Ott /

»The Venetian settings are enchanting and Commissario Guido Brunetti’s investigative methods are drolly amusing. But it’s the living, bleeding humanity of the characters that makes Donna Leon’s police procedurals so engaging.«

Marilyn Stasio / The New York Times

»[...] thought-provoking [...] Amid the procedural aspects of the case, vivid descriptions of Venice, and interludes with Brunetti’s pesky superior, Leon offers intelligent reflections on the fallout that can harm both innocent and guilty in the quest for justice.«

Publishers Weekly, New York

»But as always with Leon’s detective novels about Commissario Brunetti, this is not about thrill, but about the many details, thanks to which Brunetti and Co. have become our surrogate family […].«

Denis Scheck / Tagesspiegel, Berlin

»No summer without Donna Leon!«

Andrea Braunsteiner / woman, Vienna
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