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Françoise Gilot – Die Frau, die Nein sagt
Im Warenkorb

The Woman Who Says No

Françoise Gilot on Her Life with and without Picasso
Published by Diogenes as Françoise Gilot – Die Frau, die Nein sagt
Original Title: Françoise Gilot – Die Frau, die Nein sagt

She was the only woman to ever leave Pablo Picasso, and to him she remained a mystery. Francoise Gilot is a painter, a truth-seeker, a rebel. She may have spent her life in the company of men who changed the world – Picasso, Matisse, and Jonas Salk – but Gilot forged vital relationships with ground-breaking artists and scientists on her own terms, creating an artistic style all her own, translated into an enormous collection of paintings and drawings held by private collectors and public museums around the world.

In her early nineties, she generously shared her hospitality and wisdom with writer Malte Herwig, who started out as an interviewer but found himself drawn into the role of pupil as Gilot, whom he called ›a philosopher of joy‹, introduced him to different ways of seeing the world.

256 pages


World rights are handled by Diogenes
(except English rights)


»The Woman Who Says No is not just a book about art, but the art of living.«

Susanne Kaloff / Welt am Sonntag, Berlin

»An encounter with a fascinating woman.«

Der Spiegel, Hamburg

»The Woman Who Says No is not just a book about art, but the art of living.«

Susanne Kaloff / Welt am Sonntag, Berlin

»An encounter with a fascinating woman.«

Der Spiegel, Hamburg
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