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Luis Murschetz

Luis Murschetz

Luis Murschetz was born in Wöllan (Velenja), in 1936. After training at the school of arts and crafts in Graz, he spent several years in Rotterdam and London. In 1962 he moved to Munich, where he has lived and worked ever since. He works as caricaturist and illustrator, amongst others for the newspapers Die Zeit and Süddeutsche Zeitung. Luis Murschetz has been awarded the ›Schwabinger Art Award‹, the ›Olaf-Gulbransson-Award‹ and the ›Austrian Honorary Cross for Sciences and Art, 1st Class‹.

  • Österreichisches ›Ehrenkreuz der I. Klasse für Wissenschaft und Kunst‹, 1998
  • ›Olaf-Gulbransson‹-Preis, 1997
  • ›Schwabinger Kunstpreis‹, 1971

»Luis Murschetz is a master of refinement.«

Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich

»His oeuvre of drawings proffers a surely unparalleled wealth of ideas, as well as technical mastery, in which there is no room for bungling.«

Johannes Willms / Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich

»Luis Murschetz is a master of refinement.«

Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich

»His oeuvre of drawings proffers a surely unparalleled wealth of ideas, as well as technical mastery, in which there is no room for bungling.«

Johannes Willms / Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich
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Luis Murschetz
Tubi Walrus
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Im Warenkorb
Luis Murschetz
The Theatre's Rabbits
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Im Warenkorb
Luis Murschetz
The Fat Carp Kilobald
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Im Warenkorb
Luis Murschetz
Hamster's Journey
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Im Warenkorb
Luis Murschetz
Mister Mole
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Im Warenkorb
Der Maulwurf Grabowski
Tubi Walross
Der Maulwurf Grabowski
Der Hamster Radel