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Die Studentin
Im Warenkorb

The Student

Published by Diogenes as Die Studentin
Original Title: Die Studentin
The nightmare of every star hairdresser: just before the show of the world's best hairdressers begins in London, the supermodel cancels her appearance. Thomas Prinz handles the situation well, however. He quickly engages the services of Rosemary, the English au-pair girl who is already on standby to accompany him to Munich where she is expected by the family of Thomas' sister Regula. Rosemary for her part introduces him to the Munich university scene where Prinz roams around like a curious tourist. He can't really follow the academic debates, but he immediately grasps the human vices – intrigues and ruthless career plans – that he encounters. And before he knows it he is stuck with a new case. Whereas the police laboriously has to gather the facts, his visually trained eye allows him to grasp hidden criminal connections within seconds.

Crime fiction, General Fiction
272 pages

»Schünemann lavishes at least as much love and attention on his sardonic descriptions of his various milieus as on the case itself.«
Die Welt, Berlin