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Entwurf einer Liebe auf den ersten Blick
Im Warenkorb

Love at First Sight

Published by Diogenes as Entwurf einer Liebe auf den ersten Blick
Original Title: Entwurf einer Liebe auf den ersten Blick

A love story that begins at a sickbed: in January 1937, the Austrian Karl Sequens is admitted to hospital in Valencia as part of a transport of wounded volunteers. When he and Herminia Roudière Perpiñá meet it is love at first sight for them both. They get married without delay as if they knew there was not much time left to them. One year later their daughter Rosa María is born, shortly before the defeat of the Spanish republic they lose touch. Herminia flees with the child, first to France and subsequently to Vienna where Karl's sister receives her with bad grace and finally has her evacuated to Bavaria. Herminia hasn't heard from her husband for years when three letters arrive: from Dachau, Lublin and Auschwitz. The study of Love at First Sight paces our era and continent, tying up hope and sorrow, yearning for justice and for happiness. First of all it is the persisting plea for a love into death; an affection that is living on in their daughter and leading in a new love – at a sickbed again. A radical, deeply moving love story, told in a fascinatingly clear and vivid language, shamingly uncontemporary!

General Fiction, Compulsory Reading
80 pages

»Erich Hackl's stories are not modest in their aspirations: by bursting open the cage of the present, they seek to tear down the wall of the past.«
Ruth Klüger
»Moving and convincing.«
Erich Wolfgang Skwara / World Literature Today, New York
»Erich Hackl's stories are not modest in their aspirations: by bursting open the cage of the present, they seek to tear down the wall of the past.«
Ruth Klüger
»Moving and convincing.«
Erich Wolfgang Skwara / World Literature Today, New York
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