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Hunkeler in der Wildnis
Im Warenkorb

Hunkeler in the Wilderness

The Tenth Case
Published by Diogenes as Hunkeler in der Wildnis
Original Title: Hunkeler in der Wildnis

The long wait is over – Detective Hunkeler is back on the job. Albeit very reluctantly.

The tenth case in the best-selling Hunkeler series.

A peaceful sunny morning in Basel’s Kannenfeld Park. A sudden scream disturbs Peter Hunkeler’s first coffee of the day: someone has found a dead body behind the bushes.
He may be in retirement, but a policeman is always a policeman, at least for other people. So Hunkeler has to take a look. And he realizes he knows the dead man: a well-known journalist and art critic.

General Fiction, Crime fiction
224 pages


»Once again, this is more than a crime novel; a dense proliferation of feelings, impressions, fragments, all of which are concealing something.«

Markus Wüest / Basler Zeitung, Basel

»Schneider has created a melancholy, literary crime novel, and a portrait of Hunkeler’s psychology.«

Hansruedi Kugler / Aargauer Zeitung, Aarau

»As always, Schneider’s language, with its clarity and sense of calm, is a joy.«

Jochen Overbeck / Spiegel Online, Hamburg

»Horror encroaches into an idyll. And this contrast«

Michael Luisier / SRF1, Zurich

»Hansjörg Schneider tells his stories with a melancholy serenity that cares nothing for the loud things of the world.«

Volker Albers / Hamburger Abendblatt, Hamburg

»Hansjörg Schneider, at 82 years of age, is at the peak of his creative powers with this book.«

NZZ am Sonntag, Zurich

»It’s true that Hunkeler can be irascible at times. But as a reader, one can find peace with him, without ever encountering shallow or superficial prose.«

Frankfurter Rundschau, Frankfurt

»Once again, this is more than a crime novel; a dense proliferation of feelings, impressions, fragments, all of which are concealing something.«

Markus Wüest / Basler Zeitung, Basel

»Schneider has created a melancholy, literary crime novel, and a portrait of Hunkeler’s psychology.«

Hansruedi Kugler / Aargauer Zeitung, Aarau

»As always, Schneider’s language, with its clarity and sense of calm, is a joy.«

Jochen Overbeck / Spiegel Online, Hamburg

»Horror encroaches into an idyll. And this contrast«

Michael Luisier / SRF1, Zurich

»Hansjörg Schneider tells his stories with a melancholy serenity that cares nothing for the loud things of the world.«

Volker Albers / Hamburger Abendblatt, Hamburg

»Hansjörg Schneider, at 82 years of age, is at the peak of his creative powers with this book.«

NZZ am Sonntag, Zurich

»It’s true that Hunkeler can be irascible at times. But as a reader, one can find peace with him, without ever encountering shallow or superficial prose.«

Frankfurter Rundschau, Frankfurt
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