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Das Buch der Ketzer
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The Book of Heretics

Published by Diogenes as Das Buch der Ketzer
Original Title: Das Buch der Ketzer

On the lives and thoughts of Meister Eckhart, Jan Hus, Martin Luther, Giordano Bruno, Baruch Spinoza, Blaise Pascal, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Leo Tolstoy and many more.

In time for the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses: This book puts the reformer into another perspective – the church and its critics throughout 20 centuries.

A vivid and lively read – packed full of knowledge.

The standard work – now made available again.

The Book of Heretics tells us about ›unsuccessful saints‹, as Walter Nigg calls them. With great empathy, he writes about seekers of the divine and the truth, internally liberated but expelled from the church, or leavers by choice. His subjects include ›witches‹ and Cathars, famous philosophers and theologians, writers and scholars.

»Heretics are often among the greatest pioneers of new ideas. Their contemporaries could often not yet understand them.«
Walter Nigg

English translation available.

Religion, Philosophy, History, current affairs
608 pages


»In spite of all its rich historical information, The Book of Heretics is as suspenseful as an exciting novel.«

Luzerner Neueste Nachrichten

»Each chapter is a self-contained and ingenious paper. The book's overall impression can be summed up in one word - overwhelming.«

Neuer Bücherdienst, Vienna
»Written with the fire of a man who is genuinely moved, and yet with sober clarity, artistic feeling and an intuitive talent.«
Stuttgarter Zeitung

»In spite of all its rich historical information, The Book of Heretics is as suspenseful as an exciting novel.«

Luzerner Neueste Nachrichten

»Each chapter is a self-contained and ingenious paper. The book's overall impression can be summed up in one word - overwhelming.«

Neuer Bücherdienst, Vienna
»Written with the fire of a man who is genuinely moved, and yet with sober clarity, artistic feeling and an intuitive talent.«
Stuttgarter Zeitung
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