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Im Warenkorb


Correspondence on Culinary Arts and Culture
Published by Diogenes as Kulinaritäten
Original Title: Kulinaritäten
Correspondence on Culinary Arts and Culture. A cookery book for the stomach and the mind: Alice Vollenweider, connoisseur of Italian cuisine and culture, literary critic and author of many cookbooks, and Hugo Loetscher, the cosmopolitan, well-travelled Swiss author intimately acquainted with cuisines from all over the world, exchange letters full of recipes, reflections, teasing, culinary bon mots and mutual admiration. Their letters are like a condensed cultural history of the kitchen. The reader finds out about the origins of well-known and less well-known dishes and modern-day cookery, about the authors' own approach to food – and about practical details too, like how to make the perfect risotto.

Letters and conversations, Gift Books, General Fiction, Culinary Reads, Biographies
144 pages

»This correspondence about food and its preparation between a hard-hitting, expert chef and an intellectual man of letters is a pure joy.«
Schweizer Familie, Zurich