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Der Bruder
Im Warenkorb

The Brother

Published by Diogenes as Der Bruder
Original Title: Der Bruder
›Unexpected‹ is the title of the picture by Ilja Repin that the hairdresser just admired in Moscow, and likewise the visit of a man, who shows up at his Munich salon, is also unexpected. Jakob Zimmermann, mid thirties, penniless painter, claims to be his half brother. Who is Jakob – a legacy hunter or a slightly covered dark spot in the Prinz family history? Only after some turbulence, which Tomas goes through in his family and his hair salon, is his mother willing to welcome Jakob to her Christmas dinner in Zurich. And Tomas' boy-friend, Aljoscha, wants to prepare a wonderful surprise for the new brother with connections in the art world. But everything turns out otherwise, and the hairdresser makes a terrible discovery.

Crime fiction, General Fiction
288 pages

»Everything the hairdresser does, he does with elegant perfection. Just like his creator Christian Schünemann.«
NDR, Hamburg