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Ins Unbekannte
Im Warenkorb

Into the Unknown

The Story of Sabina and Fritz
Published by Diogenes as Ins Unbekannte
Original Title: Ins Unbekannte

Sabina has come to Zurich from Russia to be treated by Dr. Carl Gustav Jung at the University Psychiatric Clinic – and becomes his lover. 
Fritz, a carpenter’s son, dreams of building a better society. He pushes Switzerland to the brink of revolution, and later in Russia he saves Lenin’s life.
Sabina and Fritz are courageous, torn, full of contradictions; both ceaseless breakers of new ground. Their paths interweave and mirror one another – even as they slip away into the darkness of European history. 


»They walked in step, on separate paths, until they met their terrible fate in 1942.«

Roman Bucheli / NZZ Online, Zurich

»Hartmann tells of departures into the unknown, of transformations of the world and the self.«

Alexander Kluy / Der Standard, Vienna

»They walked in step, on separate paths, until they met their terrible fate in 1942.«

Roman Bucheli / NZZ Online, Zurich

»Hartmann tells of departures into the unknown, of transformations of the world and the self.«

Alexander Kluy / Der Standard, Vienna
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