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Der Verdacht
Im Warenkorb


Published by Diogenes as Der Verdacht
Original Title: Der Verdacht
Hans Barlach, an ageing policeman, comes across a photograph of a masked surgeon in a magazine. His suspicion is aroused. Does the mask hide the face of a former S.S. officer who performed horrible operations without the use of anaesthesia? Could the former S.S. officer still be enjoying the pursuit of his sadistic practices in a peaceful Berne clinic? Barlach decides he must enter the clinic to discover the truth. His companions in horror include a fanatical nurse, a beautiful ex-Communist drug addict, a murderous dwarf, and a mysterious Jew, Gulliver, who because of his past can divide mankind into only two groups: the tortured and torturers.

Crime fiction, General Fiction, Compulsory Reading
128 pages

»An absorbing horror tale told with skill and restraint. The characterisation throughout excellent.«
Yorkshire Post, Leeds
»Once I got into the story I could no more have stopped reading than the drug addict in the book could have given up morphine.«
Chicago Tribune
»An absorbing horror tale told with skill and restraint. The characterisation throughout excellent.«
Yorkshire Post, Leeds
»Once I got into the story I could no more have stopped reading than the drug addict in the book could have given up morphine.«
Chicago Tribune
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