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Das Versprechen
Im Warenkorb

The Pledge

Published by Diogenes as Das Versprechen
Original Title: Das Versprechen

A suspenseful tale of a police inspector's unremitting search for a psychopathic killer his superiors claim does not exist. But more than a novel of crime and detection, Friedrich Dürrenmatt's deeply moving drama is the eloquent account of a decent man's gradual decay. With grim irony, the master storyteller shows how a dedicated law-enforcer's obsession for truth and justice can lead him to bait a trap as morally offensive as the evil strategy used by the maniacal murderer he relentlessly pursues.

Crime fiction, General Fiction, Compulsory Reading
160 pages

»Perhaps Dürrenmatt's best work.«
Anderson / Wall Street Journal, New York
»A stark essay in crime and pursuit, as terse and assured in construction as the best of Simenon.«
Spectator, London
»A shocker done on the level of high art. Every word falls into place like a footstep of approaching doom.«

»Dürrenmatt reinterpreted the detective novel and pushed it in a new, postmodern direction, passing the baton to the likes of Umberto Eco and Paul Auster.«

Malcolm Forbes / The National Newspaper, Abu Dhabi
»Perhaps Dürrenmatt's best work.«
Anderson / Wall Street Journal, New York
»A stark essay in crime and pursuit, as terse and assured in construction as the best of Simenon.«
Spectator, London
»A shocker done on the level of high art. Every word falls into place like a footstep of approaching doom.«

»Dürrenmatt reinterpreted the detective novel and pushed it in a new, postmodern direction, passing the baton to the likes of Umberto Eco and Paul Auster.«

Malcolm Forbes / The National Newspaper, Abu Dhabi
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