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Das Ungeheuer von Florenz
Im Warenkorb

The Monster of Florence

Guarnaccia's 10th Case
Published by Diogenes as Das Ungeheuer von Florenz
Original Title: The Monster of Florence
After all the years that Marshal Guarnaccia has commanded the Carabinieri Station housed in Florence's Pitti Palace, great paintings are as familiar a part of his life as the snarled-up traffic. Still, if he joins battle with a successful forger, it is only as a favour to an old friend - and because the man fascinates him. Then he is dragged into a last-ditch attempt to nail a serial killer, only to find himself faced with a forgery in his own line of business, where the issues prove distressingly familiar. Nobody wants to know the truth about a fake. And if a false case is made against the wrong man, who is going to admit it?

Crime fiction, General Fiction
544 pages
