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Tod einer Verrückten
Im Warenkorb

The Marshal and the Madwoman

Guarnaccia's 6th Case
Published by Diogenes as Tod einer Verrückten
Original Title: The Marshal and the Madwoman
The local »madwoman«, a harmless eccentric, has been murdered. Who would want to kill her? To find out, Marshal Guarnaccia must reconstruct her past and piece together the events of a tragic November night twenty years earlier.

Crime fiction, General Fiction
320 pages

»Elegant in style and elegant of mind.«
Publishers Weekly
»Nabb writes so well, that the story emerges as larger than life.«
Bloomsbury Review
»Elegant in style and elegant of mind.«
Publishers Weekly
»Nabb writes so well, that the story emerges as larger than life.«
Bloomsbury Review
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