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Die Welt
Im Warenkorb

The World

Published by Diogenes as Die Welt
Original Title: Die Welt

Arno Camenisch recounts the tale of his twenties, the years when he turned his life upside down and moved across the continents, when worries seemed far away and life revolved around love. It was the noughties, the world was changing, locations changed and days turned into nights. Moby and the Rolling Stones provided the soundtrack. The beginning of every new departure was marked by claustrophobia, and curiosity about the world.


»Arno Camenisch’s storytelling is so wonderfully succinct, condensing people, places, points of time in convincing miniatures.«

Ingo Arend / Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Cologne

»There seems to be a great deal bubbling beneath the surface and between the lines.«

Joachim Schneider / Badische Zeitung, Freiburg

»Arno Camenisch is a master of the short story.«

Gérard Otremba / Rolling Stone, Berlin

»Arno Camenisch’s storytelling is so wonderfully succinct, condensing people, places, points of time in convincing miniatures.«

Ingo Arend / Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Cologne

»There seems to be a great deal bubbling beneath the surface and between the lines.«

Joachim Schneider / Badische Zeitung, Freiburg

»Arno Camenisch is a master of the short story.«

Gérard Otremba / Rolling Stone, Berlin
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