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Der predigende Hahn
Im Warenkorb

The Preaching Rooster

A Stroll trough Literature and Myths
Published by Diogenes as Der predigende Hahn
Original Title: Der predigende Hahn
A stroll through literature and myths. Animals, allegedly the brothers and sisters of humankind, are used by people not only for their physical needs - without animals, literature and painting would be very different from what we are accustomed to. As if being an animal wasn't hard enough to begin with - human beings humanized animals. One of the consequences: they began to speak. And thanks to their humanization, the animals behaved like reasonable people, nothing humans was alien to them. Hugo Leotscher has gathered incredible material from all the nooks and crannies of world literature and shows that almost no author known to us could have lived and written in the absence of animals. Remember Kafka and the beetle...

General Fiction
376 pages
