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Der Großaktionär
Im Warenkorb

The Major Shareholder

A Case for Costas Haritos
Published by Diogenes as Der Großaktionär
Original Title: Vasikos metochos
His daughter Katerina is the apple of his eye: Costas Haritos would do anything for her. But now he cannot do anything. He has to stay out of it. Because Katerina is in danger, her life in the hands of terrorists. And if they were to discover that her father is a policeman, Katerina would undoubtedly be even more firmly in their sights. Are they Islamists? Palestinians? Chechnyans? For several days, there is no word from her kidnappers, turning all of those involved into nervous wrecks. At work, the Chief Inspector is busy with another case. A man working as a photographic model has been murdered. By a killer who has it in for homosexuals? But the case is not that simple. In his usual measured and thorough way, Costas Haritos attempts to get to the bottom of it. And he discovers a story whose roots lie deep in the past…

Crime fiction, General Fiction
480 pages

»Racy, humorous, sarcastic. Petros Markaris' most mature novel yet.«
Kathimerini, Athens
»A delight!«
Imerissia, Athens
»Inspector Costas Haritos long ago achieved cult status.«
Welt am Sonntag, Hamburg
»Racy, humorous, sarcastic. Petros Markaris' most mature novel yet.«
Kathimerini, Athens
»A delight!«
Imerissia, Athens
»Inspector Costas Haritos long ago achieved cult status.«
Welt am Sonntag, Hamburg
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