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Im Warenkorb


Published by Diogenes as Saison
Original Title: Saison
He was famous, but he was the only one who knew it. But never mind, he had his whole life ahead of him. Philipp, poised between school-leaving and professional training, dreams of becoming an actor and spends the summer working as a beach attendant. Real life serves as a dress rehearsal for Philipp's first season. With a fertile, unencumbered imagination, he turns a Zurich lake bathing spa into a colourful and exciting stage, a scene in which figures of our contemporary society, stripped of their disguises, are revealed in their true colours. The author writes in a vivid, pithy language and with an enigmatic wit which injects poetry into the irony. Philipp's first season - »It's not for nothing that I have just turned twenty« - is also the setting of a tender love story.

General Fiction
416 pages

»There are writers who are gushingly enthusiastic, and there are hard, cold writers; neither category wears particularly well. Loetscher, on the other hand, retains his congeniality because he is neither prey to illusions and self-deception nor in the least hard-boiled. He is not given to effusive fervour, but his curiosity and playfulness retain their appeal fast when the saccharine sweetness of the sentimentalist has long since faded.«
Andreas Isenschmid