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Published by Diogenes as Gedankenfuge
Original Title: Gedankenfuge
The texts presented in ›Thought Fugue‹ are records of works in progress: the typescripts, from Dürrenmatt's literary estate, of materials (each one a complete unit), as well as of all essays and stories, which he had planned for additional volumes of ›Materials‹ and which he expanded and revised numerous times between 1987 and the end of 1990. Each text presented here is the final version of the piece concerned. From the Contents: ›Prometheus‹, ›Thought Fugue‹, ›On Imagined Constructs and Emotional Universes with a Parable‹, ›The Dinosaurs and the Law‹, ›Dramaturgy of Imaginative Power‹, ›The Attempt‹, ›Cabala of Physics‹, ›Farewell from the Theatre‹, ›Postscript to Achterloo IV‹.

General Fiction, Philosophy
208 pages
