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Im Warenkorb


The book to End All Books
Published by Diogenes as Babylon
Original Title: Babylon
The book to end all books – the last book of the 20th century. »Pictures like atomic waste, caricatures of a world which caricatures itself, caricatures multiplied, squared, cubed. Hieroglyphs of horror: ›And look, oh look! On the white wall, a human hand; it wrote and wrote on the white wall, in letters of fire; it wrote and disappeared.‹ It is what the prophet Daniel told the King of Babylon, about his future, that Tomi Ungerer is telling us: about our future. It is there in these pages. It is up to you, reader and art-lover, to summon up the courage to look at them. You, too, are a contemporary. I know it is not easy. Perhaps you will become an art-hater. It will not matter. Nowadays art has too many false lovers anyway. But the time when things stop being merely amusing is not time lost. It could be that in these times we begin to realise that reflection is an activity which we earthly contemporaries of ourselves and other rats need desperately.« Friedrich Dürrenmatt (Preface)

Art, cartoon, photography
22 × 27 cm
172 pages
