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Caliban Berlin
Im Warenkorb

Caliban Berlin

Columns 1980–1984
Published by Diogenes as Caliban Berlin
Original Title: Caliban Berlin

Jörg Fauser’s revealing columns: about the Tagesschau daily news programme and boxing matches, about a papal visit and democracy – and about the cultural sector. Now including afterwords by journalists Ambros Waibel and Werner Mathes.

»If you work for magazines, you’ll have money for a certain period of time to do your own thing, if you want to separate the two. But I don’t want to separate them. Ever since I’ve been a journalist, for me there is no separation,« says Jörg Fauser. 

This volume gathers together the pieces which the incorruptible (yet not unimpressionable) Fauser wrote under the pseudonym Caliban and under the column title As You Like It in the Berlin magazine tip.

»The captain was, you see, a picture-perfect captain [. . .] and his helper and general drudge was a picture-perfect helper with pockmarks and all, who answered to the name Manoli and smoked lights, because life really was hard enough, and the Naousa was a picture-perfect caique boat, her ten knots slicing through the Etesian winds, and it was of course a picture-perfect day on a pictureperfect sea, and later everyone held on tightly to their picture-perfect plastic bags.«
Mediterranean Sea Boat Tour


»Anyone who reads Fauser’s columns can reconstruct in real time how the monochrome Federal Republic became a colourful Germany.«


Ambros Waibel / (Fauser’s biographer)

»Here we have an author as sensitive as he is worldly, and above all, one who writes with literary precision.«

Dirk Hohnsträter / WDR1, Cologne

»Anyone who reads Fauser’s columns can reconstruct in real time how the monochrome Federal Republic became a colourful Germany.«


Ambros Waibel / (Fauser’s biographer)

»Here we have an author as sensitive as he is worldly, and above all, one who writes with literary precision.«

Dirk Hohnsträter / WDR1, Cologne
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