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Der Waschküchenschlüssel
Im Warenkorb

The Laundry Room Key

Or: What if God were Swiss
Published by Diogenes as Der Waschküchenschlüssel
Original Title: Der Waschküchenschlüssel
A Laundry Room Key or lists of expressions for the word ›to work‹, the eighth deadly sin or a Swiss girl by the sea are all treated by Hugo Loetscher as inspiration for stories like the ones in this collection. What holds these critical and amusing ponderings together is a Helvetic theme, displaying a predilection for individuality and balance. But Hugo Loetscher always breaks the boundaries of these Swiss themes with the natural cosmopolitanism that distinguishes him as an author – whether he's writing about his experiences at the post office counter or posing the question: What if God were Swiss? In these commentaries on Switzerland, Loetscher shows himself to be a committed satirist who has mastered the art of opening the gates to the Swiss soul.

General Fiction
192 pages

»An exceptional figure in contemporary Swiss literature, directly after Frisch and Dürrenmatt.«
Der Spiegel, Hamburg

»Almost four decades have passed, and in that time Switzerland has changed considerably, but many of these comments still feel astoundingly fresh.«

Babina Cathomen / Kulturtipp, Zurich
»An exceptional figure in contemporary Swiss literature, directly after Frisch and Dürrenmatt.«
Der Spiegel, Hamburg

»Almost four decades have passed, and in that time Switzerland has changed considerably, but many of these comments still feel astoundingly fresh.«

Babina Cathomen / Kulturtipp, Zurich
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