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Gast im Glück
Im Warenkorb

A Happy Guest

Published by Diogenes as Gast im Glück
Original Title: Gast im Glück

Yves Saint Laurent, Madame Grès, Le Sorelle Fontana and Christian Dior – the German fashion designer Yorn knew them all.

A book about moments of happiness – a book that makes you happy.

With new drawings by Sempé.

The streets of Paris are paved with happiness. Exhilarating encounters and inspiring memories from a connoisseur of life itself.
The fashion designer Yorn has experienced many magical moments in his life. Be it as a young man in Paris, where he was hired on the spot as an assistant by Christian Dior, or a daring wager with Yves Saint Laurent; be it while founding his own fashion label on the Champs-Elysees or while acting on the idea of bringing Parisian chic to Germany – happiness has always smiled down on him. And the more he shares his happiness with others, the greater it gets.

Gift Books, General Fiction
208 pages


»This is a wondrously wonderful book, illustrated by Sempé, and that’s why it’s called A Happy Guest

Johannes Kößler / ORF, Vienna

»Sempé’s illustrations of the stories from his life are as feather-light as Yorn’s telling of them.«

Alfons Kaiser / FAZ Magazin, Frankfurt

»In a personal, often tongue-in-cheek manner, the successful fashion designer YORN, Jürgen Michaelsen, tells of his career progression in the Parisian fashion world of the 1950s and ‘60s«

Anneke Wardenbach / Frankreich magazin, Amsterdam

»This is a wondrously wonderful book, illustrated by Sempé, and that’s why it’s called A Happy Guest

Johannes Kößler / ORF, Vienna

»Sempé’s illustrations of the stories from his life are as feather-light as Yorn’s telling of them.«

Alfons Kaiser / FAZ Magazin, Frankfurt

»In a personal, often tongue-in-cheek manner, the successful fashion designer YORN, Jürgen Michaelsen, tells of his career progression in the Parisian fashion world of the 1950s and ‘60s«

Anneke Wardenbach / Frankreich magazin, Amsterdam
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