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Die Physiker
Im Warenkorb

The Physicists

A Comedy in Two Acts
Published by Diogenes as Die Physiker
Original Title: Die Physiker

›The Physicists‹ is a provocative and darkly comic satire about life in modern times.

The world's greatest physicist, Johann Wilhelm Möbius, is in a madhouse, haunted by recurring visions of King Solomon. He is kept company by two equally deluded scientists: one who thinks he is Einstein, another who believes he is Newton. It soon becomes evident, however, that these three are not as harmlessly lunatic as they appear. Added to this treacherous combination is the world-renowned psychiatrist in charge, the hunch-backed Mathilde von Zahnd, who has some diabolical plans of her own…

General Fiction, Compulsory Reading
96 pages

»Continually intriguing and entertaining.«
The New York Times