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Non Stop
Im Warenkorb

Non Stop

Published by Diogenes as Non Stop
Original Title: Non Stop

A picture book for both adults and children, about friendship, trust and humanity – a classic in the making.

We all need someone to look after us. And someone to care for.

Planet Earth is devastated and empty. Everyone has escaped to the moon. Only Vasco is still there, determined to bring little green Poco to safety. Luckily, he has an ally: his own shadow, which rescues him and the baby from a thousand threats – just in time! – and shows him the way on his adventurous journey through destroyed cities and apocalyptic landscapes. Right up until the unexpectedly sweet ending.

Art, cartoon, photography
30 × 21 cm
48 pages


»Ungerer has created an all-ages classic, a fitting capstone on a fearless career — and just in time.«

New York Times