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In einer stillen Bucht
Im Warenkorb

In a Hidden Cove

A Capri Crime Novel
Published by Diogenes as In einer stillen Bucht
Original Title: In einer stillen Bucht

A woman is found dead on a rocky ledge above the sea on the island of Capri. Maria Grifo was the director of the famous Naples Conservatory of Music. Could the murder have had something to do with the disappearance of the one-of-a-kind Stradivarius harp from the music school? Its sound – as investigators Enrico Rizzi and Antonia Cirillo discover – is so beautiful there are people who would kill for it. 

Crime fiction, General Fiction
336 pages


»Entertaining and enjoyable, a pleasure to read.«

Dorothea Husslein / SWR2, Baden-Baden

»In the third Capri thriller, too, Luca Ventura succeeds in depicting a murder case and its resolution in a very gripping way.«


ORF Radio Steiermark, Vienna

»Entertaining and enjoyable, a pleasure to read.«

Dorothea Husslein / SWR2, Baden-Baden

»In the third Capri thriller, too, Luca Ventura succeeds in depicting a murder case and its resolution in a very gripping way.«


ORF Radio Steiermark, Vienna
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