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Schnecke, wo bist du?
Im Warenkorb

Snail, Where Are You?

Published by Diogenes as Schnecke, wo bist du?
Original Title: Snail, Where Are You?
With his vibrant colours and skilful lines, Tomi Ungerer sketches the captivating picture story of a snail’s shell – except, where is the snail? As is always the case when Tomi Ungerer pulls out his pencil, the world looks a little bit different afterwards: snail shells become wind instruments, a boat rides over the squiggly crest of a wave, and not only the jester’s hat is coiled, but his shoes too! And as so often when Tomi Ungerer draws, it means the viewer is embarking upon a search: Discover the confusing twists and turns in an inimitable art of drawing; vibrant with colour and rich in detail. This time the question is: »Snail, where are you?«

Children's books, Humour
17.5 × 21.5 cm
32 pages
ab 4 Jahren
