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Das Entdecken erfinden
Im Warenkorb

Inventing Discovery

Travels in my Brazil
Published by Diogenes as Das Entdecken erfinden
Original Title: Das Entdecken erfinden
Hugo Loetscher first travelled to Brazil in 1965. Thus began a love that never let the cosmopolitan Swiss writer out of its grip. Hugo Loetscher returned again and again, writing travelogues about Brazil for various newspapers, as well as the novel Wonder World. Eventually, he went beyond the seductions of the exotic to explore the contradictions of the land of his desires. A timelessly contemporary portrait of a country which, in Hugo Loetscher’s words, is still »condemned to the future«. »Brazil was also a form of travelling in my consciousness. The adventure. The fascination of the unfamiliar. The lure of the unknown. But then, behind all the exotic and the tropical, the discovery of the country’s social reality. The encounter with another world that has more to do with ours than we are generally willing to accept.« Hugo Loetscher

General Fiction, Travel writing
384 pages
