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Der Frisör
Im Warenkorb

The Hairdresser

Published by Diogenes as Der Frisör
Original Title: Der Frisör

He styles his customers' hair with a delicate touch. And he never has to prompt them into conversation, because if there is anyone they come to talk to, then it is him – the hairdresser. When his customers call him, he knows that it is always urgent – their need for beauty brooks no delay. But when Alexandra Kaspari, editor of the beauty section of Vamp magazine, calls for an appointment, it sounds like a matter of life and death. And later that evening, her newly styled head does indeed have an encounter with a lethal weapon. The police are faced with a baffling mystery: they cannot find the murder weapon, the motive remains unclear and the world of the beautiful and well-dressed is keeping its secret close to its chest. But Tomas Prinz is able to move more freely within this labyrinth of rivalry, careers and corruption – as even the murder suspects are willing visitors of his hairdressing salon. And the case will now just not leave him in peace. The colour stylist Bea, with her keen intuition and penchant for astrology, becomes Prinz' accomplice, while Alyosha – his lover from Moscow, who unexpectedly turns up in Munich – is more of a distraction.

Crime fiction, General Fiction
256 pages
