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Es war einmal die Welt
Im Warenkorb

Once There Was the World

Published by Diogenes as Es war einmal die Welt
Original Title: Es war einmal die Welt
»So an author has managed to surpass the age of seventy. And now, after publishing novels and short stories, essays and lectures on poetic theory, after compiling commentaries and reports, he has turned his hand to poetry,« writes Hugo Loetscher in his ›Introduction to myself. On the treatment of the lyrical.‹ The poetic culmination of an author who describes himself in one of his poems as a »cartographer of the void«, whose »bird of love« is a bat and whose roots are »aerial roots«. Poems, searching images, »feelings expressed in proper grammar«, melancholy, playful, trance-like and with a perceptive presence - a lyric commentary on the »commonplace«.

General Fiction
128 pages

»Marvellous poems.«
Thomas Krüger