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Schlangen im Garten
Im Warenkorb

Snakes in the Garden

Published by Diogenes as Schlangen im Garten
Original Title: Schlangen im Garten

A mother dies, and her family are accused of wallowing in their grief. Life must go on, say the Mohns’ neighbours, and the Mourning Bureau agrees. But they don't want to move on – not her partner Adam. Nor Linne, furious with the world. Nor Steve, a student who has come back home. Nor Micha, the youngest. They want to hold onto Johanne – not just in their own memories, but through countless stories that may not be entirely true to life … 

»Summer in the city is surprising yet fundamentally to be expected. Rather like death.«
Stefanie vor Schulte


»With her magical sentences, Stefanie vor Schulte draws the reader into an ever more surreal world.«

Doris Emonts / Aachener Zeitung, Aachen

»And this is the fascinating thing about this book: How do people stay alive? Through us thinking about and remembering them.«

Margarete von Schwarzkopf / NDR 1 Niedersachsen, Hannover

»Comforting, subtle and endearingly crazy.«

Petra Schulte / emotion, Hamburg

»With her magical sentences, Stefanie vor Schulte draws the reader into an ever more surreal world.«

Doris Emonts / Aachener Zeitung, Aachen

»And this is the fascinating thing about this book: How do people stay alive? Through us thinking about and remembering them.«

Margarete von Schwarzkopf / NDR 1 Niedersachsen, Hannover

»Comforting, subtle and endearingly crazy.«

Petra Schulte / emotion, Hamburg
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