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Im Warenkorb


Published by Diogenes as Hausaufgaben
Original Title: Hausaufgaben
Pleading his own case: German teacher Joachim Linde is well aware that something is amiss in his life and in his family, in light of which the trouble he has recently been experiencing with his students appears almost secondary. And now he cannot avoid going into the embarrassing details of his private life in order to save his skin. But Linde is determined not to let the situation get on top of him. This is a story about the apportioning of blame, both private and historical. 'Homework' is the tale of a man's attempt to straighten things out with himself - and the tangled web of wishful thinking and half-truths that results.

General Fiction
192 pages

»A specialist in the realities of life in Germany.«
Sven Boedecker / SonntagsZeitung, Zurich
»The black science of education, skilfully put into practice. For information on risks and side-effects, avoid asking your German teacher!«
Hendrik Werner / Die Welt, Berlin
»No other established writer in the German language entertains us with such intelligence.«
Ambros Waibel / Kulturnews, Hamburg
»A specialist in the realities of life in Germany.«
Sven Boedecker / SonntagsZeitung, Zurich
»The black science of education, skilfully put into practice. For information on risks and side-effects, avoid asking your German teacher!«
Hendrik Werner / Die Welt, Berlin
»No other established writer in the German language entertains us with such intelligence.«
Ambros Waibel / Kulturnews, Hamburg
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